ASCE Introduction

Guna’s ASCE Profile

ASCE Awards

ASCE Leadership Roles

  • Governor – Geo Institute – 2014 to 2017
  • Chair – Global Engineering Conference – Panama City, Panama – 2014
  • Program Chair – Annual Conference – Montreal, Canada – 2012
  • Chair – Committee on Ethical Practice – 2012 to 2015
  • Chair – Sub Committee on Global Principles for Professional Conduct – 2009 to 2012
  • Director – Region 8 – 2009 to 2012
  • Governor – Region 8 – 2005 to 2007
  • Chair – Geo Institute Task Force on MSE Wall – 2005 to 2007
  • President – Utah Section – 2002 to 2003
  • President – High Plains Branch, Texas Section – 1992

ASCE Member Roles

  • Member – Committee on Sustainability – 2017 to present
  • Corresponding Member – Task Committee on Governance Structure – 2016 to present
  • Corresponding Member – Global Strategy Council – 2016 to present
  • Member – Indian Initiative Advisory Task Committee – 2015 to present
  • Advocacy Captain/Member – Key Contact Committee – 2015 to present
  • Member – Raise the Bar Review – Task Committee – 2015 to 2016
  • Member – Annual Convention Organization/Sponsorship Sub Committee – 2014 to 2017
  • Member – Task Committee on International Strategy – 2012 to 2014
  • Member – Technical Committee on Embankments, Dams, and Slopes – 2005 to 2008
  • Member – Task Force on Global Principles for Professional Conduct – 2005 to 2006

ASCE President-Elect Vision Statement

The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) has served the profession and its members well, for over 165 years. Being a beacon of technical excellence with a vision of “building a better quality of life”, ASCE grabbed my attention while pursuing my Master’s degree in India 36 years ago.  Upon arriving in the United States to pursue my Doctoral degree approximately 35 years ago, I signed up to be part of this preeminent organization with the help of my advisor. Ever since I have been actively engaged with the organization and its activities at the local, national and international levels.  In addition to serving on the Board of Direction, one of the highlights of my ASCE tenure has been being the Chair of the 2014 Global Engineering Conference in Panama City, Panama that was held in conjunction with the 100th anniversary celebration of the Panama Canal. I am very humbled by the contributions made by our members on a daily basis to their fellow professionals, the organization, the profession and society at large. I have been very fortunate that my journey has provided me a better understanding and appreciation for the challenges our members and the industry faces around the world.

ASCE Board of Direction (BOD) reviews the state of our profession on a regular basis to develop strategies to keep the organization and its members relevant through ever -changing times.  As the population grows, demand for more resources and services will grow to maintain the quality of life we all aspire for. Civil engineers have a moral obligation to not only preserve the limited resources but to sustain this planet we call home for all creations. The BOD has been working this past year on developing a six – goal strategic plan to keep the focus on moving us towards the aspirational global vision and to assure that the progress can be measured along the way.  The working list of goals focuses broadly on the following:

  • Best practices and State-of-the-art technologies
  • Safe, efficient, and sustainable infrastructure
  • Education and professionalism
  • Valuing the role of civil engineers
  • Membership growth
  • Organizational excellence

Based on my discussions over the course of last year with a number of our members from around the country who are very passionate about our profession and its future; and with a commitment to carrying out the will of the BOD, my vision is that ASCE:

  1. Continues to be an organization of the future — transparent, diverse, inclusive and accessible;
  2. Builds on its strong “brand” globally;
  3. Sustains itself financially and stays relevant for the foreseeable future;
  4. Attracts the best and brightest to the profession;
  5. Endures to retain students by supporting faculty advisors/ liaisons; keeps Younger Members actively engaged by providing opportunities and platforms to help shape the future of our profession;
  6. Continues to encourage pursuit of knowledge and technical excellence;
  7. Recognizes and rewards innovation;
  8. Fights marginalization of the profession by helping members enhance their value by contributing to their peers, employers, clients, local and global communities;
  9. Continues to strongly promote “zero tolerance” of bribery, corruption and fraud;
  10. Is a global leader in solving quality of life issues.

ASCE continues to encourage higher education, research and innovation to help our members around the world envision the next generation of sustainable infrastructure projects that will further enhance the quality of life for generations to come. ASCE’s nine institutions which form the cornerstone of the organization are a great resource in achieving this Challenge.

ASCE continues to provide a platform to develop our members’ professional and leadership skills that will enhance their value and enable them to influence public policies pertaining to emerging topics such autonomous vehicles, sustainability, resiliency, big data, smart cities etc. ASCE continues to show leadership in gathering information and lessons learned;  develop  policies and procedures that address challenges both man- made and natural,  such as that caused most recently by “Hurricanes Harvey and Irma”.

ASCE takes advantage of emerging technology and tools to remain relevant enabling our members continue to enhance their value to the global community.  Enhancing member value by exploring means of providing easy access to most current and relevant information including state-of-the-art practices that can be readily and easily adopted by our members bringing value to programs, projects and their clients.

ASCE always strives to help our members and partners preserve the integrity and dignity of our profession.  ASCE promotes “zero tolerance” toward ethical digressions; and continues to help everyone in the profession achieve their personal goals without compromising their integrity.

ASCE continues to provide members the tools and know-how to enhance their value while fighting marginalization of our profession. By enhancing the pride and value of service we provide to not only continue to attract the best and brightest, ASCE continues to explore all opportunities to retain the best in our profession and provide membership value to encourage participation in the organization.

As evident by the recent adaptation of Canon 8, ASCE continues to embrace gender equality, diversity, inclusiveness and by providing access to all — including younger members and students from all walks of life from around the world.

ASCE continues to encourage and provide an effective vehicle for mentorship so we do not leave any one in our profession behind.  I had the good fortune of having great mentors who encouraged, supported and guided me both in my professional career and at ASCE.  I believe everyone needs someone to help climb the ladder of success.

I will work very diligently with your support  to shape and structure an ASCE that is relevant to both its members and the profession;  financially stable;  nimble and influential globally.   I am passionate about our profession and I am proud to be a Civil Engineer.  I chose to be a Civil Engineer to make a difference and hope to have the opportunity to serve as your President to move us one step closer to the aspirational global vision.

Endorsements for the 2018 ASCE election

I am fortunate to have been endorsed as the 2019 ASCE President-Elect Nominee by the following individuals:

Endorsements from Organizational Entities

Endorsements from Individuals